Vietnamese Marriage Custom

Three significant rites take place in a Vietnamese ceremony on the same day. Le dam ngo, the couple’s wedding ceremony, is the groom’s family’s second formal request for her marriage. The two people trade presents and perform rituals to represent the family’s federation.

The following ceremony will be a tea and candle ceremony ( le te ). The honeymooners honor their grandparents by drinking teas vietnamese women for marriage and asking for gifts for their futures up during this time. They will also have the opportunity to make their first encounter with extended family members.

A march moves to the bride’s residence for a reception following the tea and candle ceremony. The wedding will acquire a present package filled with jewelry from her mother-in-law and will be publicly introduced to her new household here. The bride and groom’s relatives did shed fragrant stones in front of their hereditary temples to wish the couple excellent health, happiness, and fortune.

Traditional Vietnamese clothes known as ao dai, which are available in a wide range of colors and patterns, are worn by the bride and groom. Their bridesmaids and groomsmen will also use ao dai dresses or a less formal variation of the same robes, depending on the couple’s choice.

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