The Gendered Worlds of Latin American Women Workers

The demonstrators in Las protestantes carry signs featuring articles that sensationalize the rumored sex change of actress Olga Breeskin’s male secretary, to protest the tactics of conservative and Christian newspapers to smear youth, queer, and movie cultures as morally degenerate. Learning English will help you better understand American culture so you can express yourself with greater confidence.

  • UkraineAlertUkraineAlert UkraineAlert is a comprehensive online publication that provides regular news and analysis on developments in Ukraine’s politics, economy, civil society, and culture.
  • With regard to my experience, I was mayor in Miguel Hidalgo and now I preside over a global organization.
  • We also campaign for the adoption of gender-sensitive whistleblowing protections and the adoption of measures that guarantee equal political participation.
  • Generating and disseminating knowledge with a multidisciplinary perspective, providing policy and technological development and building solutions in perinatal, women’s and sexual and reproductive health, working with the governments of the countries of the Americas and the Caribbean.
  • Latina and Chicana artists working in the United States were responding not only to patriarchal politics that were as oppressive as those faced by their counterparts in Latin America but also to a second-wave feminism that was often indifferent to the issues faced by women of color.
  • One is the emphasis on social issues (immigration, poverty, violence, inequality, etc.) and activism.

Although in my career I have met and worked with men that tried to mansplain to me, I have to recognize that I have also met and worked with men that fully respect women as employees, as colleagues, and as bosses. Before the current crisis of layoffs, mergers, and shuttered newsrooms, diversity was a priority in many newsrooms across the United States. As the financial pressures have increased, I believe it has now become a second thought.

The pandemic only heightened the frequency of abuse, because women were forced to share the same space with their aggressors for long periods. We are determined to advance the education and quality of life for Latinos in the Charlotte Region. Through scholarships and college and career readiness programs, we provide a leg up to local families. The first successful legal action occurred in 2006, afterWomen’s Link Worldwidefiled apetitionwith the Colombian Constitutional Court arguing that the criminal law that classified abortion as a crime under any circumstances should be found unconstitutional. In response, the court decriminalized abortion in cases of rape, nonviable pregnancy and when the life or health of the pregnant woman is in danger. These scarves became a resistance symbol, inspired by theGrandmothers of the Plaza de Mayoin Argentina, who wore white scarves to call attention to the government’s abduction and murder of their loved ones during that country’s last dictatorship, from 1976 to 1983. The use of green scarves in women’s rights mobilizations soon spread in Latin America and elsewhere.

In 2016, the Americas Program was set up with the clear forward-looking mission to elevate discussion on the hemisphere to a strategic level. Today, throughout Latin America, much is being discussed and written about the role of women. We want to add our voice to these discussions by highlighting profiles of regional female leaders who are agents of change—those women who deliberately promote and enable gender equality within their own group and organization. While we have made significant progress in understanding drivers of breast cancer, most studies and clinical trials are in non-Hispanic white women. Increasing participation of underrepresented groups provides an opportunity to gain valuable insights into tumor biology and its variations among all people. This will ultimately enable the development of more personalized therapies and improve outcomes for Hispanic women and Latinas diagnosed with breast cancer. Social determinants also significantly influence overall health because they impact nearly every aspect of care, including access to insurance, preventive care, and treatment.

The segmentation of the labor market shows that the majority of women are employed (62%), although this percentage is lower than for their male peers. Similarly, few women are employers (2.8%), while men almost double this percentage, and 18.5% are self-employed. Conversely, household service work (14.2%) and contributing family workers (2.2%) are represented by women . These data show the low female participation in the business world in Latin America . The purpose of this study is to develop an overview of the Latin American women-owned businesses environment in order to analyze the challenges that women entrepreneurs face. Since there is no database providing complete data for this study, the data was collected from several sources that included information of women-owned businesses in Latin American countries from 2010 to 2016. This work is based on documentary research, scientific papers, and secondary sources.

A number of the performance pieces are complemented by essays providing context and analysis. Big challenges remain in Honduras, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic, as well as in other Latin American countries where abortion is not yet legal. It has taught us that organization and collaboration are what fuels successful demands for women’s rights. Many, particularly those who live inpovertyor inrural areas, resort to unsafe self-induced abortions or seek assistance from untrained providers.

Latin America and the Caribbean Needs to Move Towards a Care Society for a Sustainable Recovery with Gender Equality

Six decades later, Dávila and Dueñas’s literary genealogy — not to mention that of Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar and José Eustasio Rivera — is alive and well. In Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador and beyond, a conspicuous number of women writers are using fantasy, horror and the unfamiliar to unsettle readers and critique social ills. Each application will be considered based on the particular needs of each business. The conference brings together women from all over Georgia and adjacent states for a day of training, motivation, and entertainment where they will gain the tools they need to take bold steps in their personal, emotional, and professional development. Latina immigrant women face great challenges in finding employment when they arrive in the United States.

Abortion deserts: America’s new geography of access to care – mapped

They are creating businesses in areas such as cooking, jewelry and teaching, which have become valuable opportunities for them to obtain financial independence. Ximena Casas is the women’s rights researcher for the Americas region at Human Rights Watch. She previously worked to advance the recognition of sexual and reproductive rights of Latin American women at Planned Parenthood Global and the Center for Reproductive Rights. The solidarity of the Green Wave has helped break down stigma and raise awareness around women’s and girls’ rights, and has influenced policymakers to place reproductive autonomy and gender justice at the core of this political and legal debate. In moves that might have been unthinkable a decade ago,Chile’sCongress is debating the decriminalization of abortion up to 14 weeks, andColombia’sConstitutional Court is hearing a case that could effectively decriminalize abortion by removing it from the country’s penal code. In this way, the broadening of the debate over abortion took place in terms of autonomy and class.

For the most part, researchers have concentrated on Caucasian girls and women from middle- to upper-class backgrounds, with few doctors even equipped with the language and questions to ask Latina sufferers. But even though researchers and physicians seem to overwhelmingly disregard Latinas in their work, eating disorders do not discriminate. A 2005studylooking at almost 2,000 Latinas ranging in age from 11 to 20 years old concluded that eating disorders are prevalent in all subgroups, illustrating that these illnesses cut across race, ethnicity, class and age. The content of this Model Protocol is based not only on technical elements—essential to understand the gendered dimension of the killings of women—but also on the experience and lessons learned by the people that participate in these cases day in and day out. The Latin American Model Protocol for the investigation of gender-related killings of women is a practical tool, designed to be applied by the people responsible for carrying out the investigation and prosecution of these acts.

Business entrepreneurship is a generator of prosperity in the United States and Latina women, along with African-American women, are leading this entrepreneurial force. According to the Census, there are 1.5 million Latina-owned businesses with approximately $78.8 billion in sales. Georgia is experiencing the largest growth in the number of Latina women-owned businesses in the U.S. since 2017.

With the 2016 creation of thenational plan against gender-based violence, the Peruvian government publicly acknowledged the epidemic and placed it as a government priority for years to come. Several agencies with specialized task forces now work toward femicide reduction and prosecuting the abusers,includingemergency centers for women, a hotline for victims of violence against women, and the Specialized Police Squad for Prevention Against Domestic Violence.

But their form of feminism, such as it is, represents an “evolution” from the writing of the last century, said Alemany Bay. But these stories have more in common than uncanny coincidence and bumps in the night, says Alemany Bay. The “narrative of the unusual” often is socially conscious, explores womanhood in intimate and unconventional ways, and challenges the nature of our closest personal relationships, she said. Depictions of normal life aren’t intended to heighten the effect of the fantastic or supernatural; instead, the unreal is used to sharpen readers’ view of what’s true. Program offers microloans to start or expand your business from $500 to $5000 at a 5% interest rate.

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