Beat Job Search Depression Before It Beats You: Causes, Symptoms, Tips for Efficient Job Hunt

Even in “normal” times, job search can be overwhelming and challenging. Do something that doesn’t have to do with job searching, such as taking your friend out to eat or relaxing at the spa for an afternoon. You should never stop learning and improving — especially now. If the classes are in-person, that’s even better — it will get you out of the house and interacting with other people. Have a spreadsheet of applications sent, noting whether or not you’ve heard back and when you should follow up.

job search depression

After the fifth rejection, people start losing confidence in themselves. According to the same study, 75% of candidates found their dream job within three months. Rejection is unpleasant, but it’s just part of the job search process. That is why it is essential to continue looking for a job before it affects your mental health.

Don’t take rejection personally.

This subreddit is a community for customer success practitioners and leaders to share knowledge, network, and discuss the future of the customer success industry. When you feel like you’re at the bottom of a hole (or bouncing off the walls with restlessness), focusing on tackling your job search can feel daunting. In these moments, it’s important to be kind to yourself rather than heaping judgment onto your already off-kilter state.

You miss many opportunities if you look for a job only on job listings. You should use your network to make your search easier and find the most suitable position. Don’t be afraid to ask your friends or ex-colleagues for help. In addition, you can chat with the HR managers of the companies where you would like to work.

How to Stay Motivated and Minimize Depression in Job Search

As you develop more ways to cope with your situation, you’ll likely find that you’re more motivated and energized to get back into the job search. Before you do, though, be sure to take a minute to assess how you’ve been doing things and decide if there is anything you can do to improve your results. The answer may not be obvious, and if you can’t pinpoint the issue, then it’s worth doing a quick refresh of your application materials and online presence. A positive mindset helps you embrace your imperfections despite your job hunting depression. Embracing your flaws can lead to feelings of personal satisfaction and success, rather than feelings of failure if you don’t achieve something perfectly.

job search depression

Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a healthy diet will give you the physical endurance to stay strong in your search for the right job. Therapist Cynthia Catchings also advises eating three meals a day at around the same time. “That helps us to stay healthy, but also to prevent emotional eating or eating disorders due to depression or anxiety,” she says. Part of what makes a drawn-out job hunt so depressing is the feeling that you’re not making any progress and are simply waiting for someone else to change your job fate.

Socialize and connect

Revisit your job search marketing materials – your resume, other documents, LinkedIn profile, etc. They’ll help remind you of your great past achievements and the value you offer your target employers. “Something will come through,” “You just need to have the right attitude” and “Stop being so negative” are not things someone with job search depression wants to hear. Find a mentor to discuss specific job-search challenges not directly related to your depression. A mentor can help you with career advice such as how to best present yourself at an interview, but you should refrain from using your mentor as a replacement for a therapist. Make time for indirect methods to find a job, such as networking.

For any Millenial or Gen Z currently out of work and searching, it can be a struggle job-hunting and a prolonged unemployment period can negatively affect one’s mental health and self-confidence. The truth is, is real and sometimes worse than relationship breakfast. Putting yourself out there isn’t always easy, especially given that there’s “definitely a stigma” around unemployment, Dr. Maidenberg said.

Wise advice from a psychologist.

Being disciplined about your sleep schedule should also be a part of your daily routine. Going to bed and waking up at the same time benefits your physical and psychological health. Even if you don’t have specific working hours, it is still better to have a scheduled routine. This will make you more disciplined and organized while you search for a job. Make a list of the job positions that are a priority to you. It is ok to be sad from time to time – a person cannot constantly be happy.

Is it normal to feel depressed during job search?

You're not alone. Job search depression is a real thing, and it's not something you should take lightly. Stress from job-seeking has been linked to emotional and mental health issues such as anxiety or depression.

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